“I tried CBD for menstrual symptoms. Here’s what happened.”

My name is Ruby Deevoy, I’m a freelance journalist with expertise in CBD, natural health and wellbeing. I’ve been writing about natural health for 10 years and had my work featured in many magazines and papers across the world, including Natural Health, Top Sante, Breathe, Stylist, Elle, Daily Mail Good Health, The Independent, The Express, The Mirror and lots more.Two years ago, my focus turned solely onto CBD and medical cannabis after being introduced to the industry by one of the world’s leading experts and seeing the amazing benefits of CBD first hand.

When people reach for CBD, it’s commonly in an attempt to support sleep and mood. But did you know that CBD products are becoming increasingly popular for hormonal issues too? In particular menopause, menstruation and endometriosis. In fact, this interest goes much further than the CBD market, and into the private medical cannabis sector, where clinicians are now even prescribing cannabis based products in the UK for a variety of symptoms linked to these conditions.

Recently, Potyque was awarded ‘Best CBD for Menstruation’ in The Independent’s Indybest round-up and it was also met with delight by testers who were struggling with menopausal symptoms through the night, such as hot flashes and sleep disturbances. 

We caught up with the reviewers to get their full feedback…

I tried CBD for menstrual symptoms, here’s what happened

“Since having a child 4 years ago, my periods have never really got back on track. In fact, they were never great in the first place – always irregular, sometimes very painful and often with severe mood swings that had the potential to leave me feeling very low. I’m very difficult to be around at my time of the month!

I was sceptical about trying CBD for menstrual symptoms, as I’d given it a go before. But I was instructed by Ruby Deevoy (who was writing the Indybest list) to be consistent with my use – take 2-3 drops under the tongue every day and build up gradually. She stressed that it was important to take it throughout the month to give my body time to rebalance before my period came, not just take it when it showed up to try and alleviate symptoms (which has never worked before).

I was excited to try Potyque’s CBD oil, because I knew that it had been rated as ‘Indy Best’ the previous year, and now I had proper guidance I felt more confident in giving it a proper shot. I did as I was told and took it every day, 3 times a day – directly after breakfast, lunch and dinner (I was told that taking after eating would increase absorption due to increased blood flow in my mouth!).

The first week I didn’t notice much, but the second week I suddenly found that my sleep quality improved! I would wake up feeling more refreshed than usual. As the days went by I noticed that I wasn’t getting stressed as easily too. Then the real test came! My period was due. I waited for the usual mood crashes and period pains that would usually have me curled up with a hot water bottle…but they didn’t come! Certainly not as bad as usual anyway. Incredibly, my period came on time and with only mild aches and one day of hormonal tears! It’s usually much, much worse!

Honestly, I was shocked. I hadn’t expected CBD oil to work as well or as fast as it did. Taking it the right way certainly seemed to make a big difference. Now I know what to do, I’ll be taking this all the time! I’m a total convert.”

Becky Lane, 34, West London

Some people, like Becky, find CBD products to be quite transformative when they give it a proper go! But, while the CBD molecule on its own (as found in CBD isolate products, which make up a large proportion of the CBD market) certainly has its perks, many find that full spectrum products (which contain a range of cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, including a very low legal limit of THC) deliver superior results.

Experts would call this ‘the entourage effect’ – the effect of all (or a range) parts of the cannabis plant working together in synergy, as nature intended.

Not only is there evidence to suggest that different cannabinoids and terpenes support each other, but there are also thousands of studies indicating that different cannabinoids offer a wide variety of mechanisms – something CBD just can’t do on its own.

In the Potyque 10% oil (the oil Becky tried) you’ll not only find a high level of CBD, but CBG, CBDa, THC (in such a low amount it won’t get you high), CBC and more. So, let’s take a look at why this selection of cannabinoids might have supported Becky during her menstrual cycle:


CBDa (or cannabidiolic acid) is the raw precursor to CBD. Recent studies have started to demonstrate that this molecule is quite the cannabis superstar, not only boasting much, much higher bioavailability that cannabinoids like CBD, but surpassing many cannabinoids in its potential therapeutic actions too.

One study found CBDa to be 1000 times more effective at combating nausea and anxiety than CBD, through its action as a COX-2 inhibitor. COX-2 is an enzyme expressed by inflammatory cells, usually after an infection or injury. An overexpression of the COX-2 enzyme plays a massive role in the progression of endometriosis and Pharmaceutical COX-2 inhibitors (like NSAIDs) are commonly used to target inflammation, pain and conditions such as arthritis and back pain.


CBG is what’s known as a ‘minor cannabinoid’ as it’s present in much lower levels than CBD or THC in the cannabis plant, usually not exceeding more than 1%. The CBD molecule is well known for its ability to support the endocannabinoid system, by inhibiting the enzyme which ordinarily breaks down our naturally produced endocannabinoids. However, it doesn’t directly activate the ECS. CBG, on the other hand, does – both CB1 and CB2 receptors. CBG, like THC, fits like a lock and key into our ECS receptors, mimicking the action of endocannabinoids, which could be great news for people so deficient in endocannabinoids that they are barely being produced at all – as cannabinoid researcher Dr Ethan Russo believes might be the case for those suffering from conditions such as migraines, fibromyalgia and IBS.


CBC (Cannabichromene) is another minor cannabinoid which is thought to be a major player when used in conjunction with other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids. A number of studies have suggested CBC has the potential to significantly reduce depression, with research performed by Steep Hill indicating it is ten times more effective at doing so than CBD – although results were all the more impressive with CBG and THC were also present.

Cannabinoid researchers also believe that CBC may also be a valuable tool in tackling acne in the future – something which may people suffer from during their menstrual cycle. One study indicated that CBC was found to suppress sebum production and ‘significantly reduce arachidonic acid (AA)-induced ‘acne-like’ lipogenesis’.

Want to try Potyque CBD oil but not sure where to start? Take a look at our blog ‘WHICH POTYQUE CBD OIL IS RIGHT FOR YOU?’ to set yourself on the right track.

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