By now, we’ve all heard of the amazing properties CBD oil offers. The CBD market has been booming these last few years and by 2025 the market is expected to be a large part of the wellness sector.
More and more people are discovering how CBD oil can help them manage the pressures of life in a more natural way. In fact, over 31% of CBD users in the UK are over the age of 55 and a larger portion of CBD users are female.
We sat down with Potyque founder Michelle, to chat about her own experience with CBD oil and why she turned to a more natural solution when faced with some of life’s challenges.
Q. Can you tell us a little more about how you discovered CBD oil?
Well anyone who is, or has experienced ‘the change’ knows the consequence of not taking anything to combat the side-effects. So as it happens my ever-loving (!) husband was slowly heading towards insanity dealing with me and the symptoms through lots of reading and further research he discovered CBD oil and the natural benefits it offers and the rest as they say, is history.
Q. What was it about your personal experience with CBD oil that led you to create Potyque? When did you realise this could be beneficial for a wider audience?
My husband and I are both from a pharmaceutical background, with over thirty years experience in sales and marketing, so anything to do with medicine, supplements and new treatments are of interest to us both. As more and more information has become available over the years regarding the possible benefits of CBD oil, we became increasingly intrigued in how it works and the different types available on the market – not all CBD products are created equal was one of the first insights we gained, and I tried a quite a few.
In the fullness of time, I imagine as the CBD market evolves and matures, there will be fewer better quality oils available. Also a significant fewer number of ‘lesser products’ that people purchase at a lower price point. In the same way terroir effects the quality of grapes, the quality of hemp plants depends on many factors; where they are grown and how. But most critically the process involved in extracting the oil, which can affect the purity of the end product.
We are both fully bought into the benefits of CBD and identified a hemp grower who were not only happy to work with us and supply their oil, but who extracted their oil using only green chemicals, hence ensuring the purity of the end product – if you don’t believe me, go onto our website (www.potyque.com) and look at the independent certification awarded to each of our Potyque doses to qualify its purity, I’m really proud of those results!!!
Q. What encouraged you to lean more towards CBD oil rather than more traditional, pharmaceutical methods of managing menopause?
Everyone is different and makes choices based on their own circumstances. I am not against conventional pharmaceutical based treatments, it just wasn’t for me.
CBD, Potyque and how I take it, really works for me as it is non invasive and a natural supplement.
Q. Do you think choosing a more natural approach has benefited you in other areas of your life?
In addition to sleeping better, almost non-existent flushes and no more mood swings; my husband actually agrees (for once!), Potyque has definitely made me calmer and more relaxed in my approach to most aspects of both my professional and personal life. I compare myself now to how I felt pre-Potyque and I know there is a marked difference. I see things clearer and less ‘fuzzy’.
Q. In your opinion, what is it about Potyque CBD oil that specifically lends itself to the more frantic modern lifestyle women face today?
We all need balance in our busy lives and the unique properties of Potyque helps us to enjoy more of the moments that matter and let go of the ones that don’t.
The most notable change was my sleep, as such I awake more refreshed and ready for what the day throws my way!!
Q. What’s your favourite way to use Potyque products?
It really couldn’t be easier.
I keep a bottle of Potyque by my toothbrush and taking it has become part of my morning and bedtime routine, that takes care of two of my doses for the day. I have another bottle next to my computer and I usually take my third dose after lunch.
I have been taking Potyque for over a year now and started at 5% and have moved up/titrated through the doses and now take 20% daily.
Titration is merely the process of increasing the dose to find which dose is optimal, providing maximum benefit without unwanted side effects.
I followed the 2-3 drops, 2-3 times a day with the 5% and fully used the bottle, then moving upwards to 10%, and finally 20%, following the same routine of 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day with the higher strengths. My response to Potyque is unique to me, and that will in part be dependent on why I’m taking it, and how it makes me feel as a result.
Q. What advice would you give to first time CBD oil users and new Potyque customers?
Give it time and keep it simple.
Don’t expect Potyque to be a panacea where you will wake up on day 2 feeling markedly different. Follow the dose of 2-3 drops, 2-3 times a day and titrate to the percentage of Potyque that you feel is making a real difference for you, and when it does, let me know as I would love to hear your stories.
If you decide Potyque isn’t for you, that’s absolutely fine too, but do please do your research and ensure that the oil you choose is both compliant with UK legislation, and has a certificate of analysis available for you to review.
In my experience, most people are led to believe choice is a good thing. I disagree. I don’t think customers actually do want more choice, but to be more confident in the choices they make.
Hopefully you’ll see this when choosing Potyque and end up loving it as much as I do.
*Source: https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/cbd-market-value/
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